St John's Gate, St John's Lane, Clerkenwell, Greater London

St John's Gate was originally the south gateway to the Priory of Clerkenwell. The priory wasf ounded circa 1144. It was the head house of the order of the Knights Hospitallers in England. The prior had a seat in Parliament. The priory was razed to the ground in 1381 and the Prior was beheaded. It was rebuilt around 1400. After the Dissolution in 1540, the tower was blown up by Protector Somerset. Much of the building material was carried off to build Somerset House. The buildings had disappeared by the 18th century except for the 12th century crypt in St John of Jerusalem's Church and the South Gate. The gate was obviously very narrow and is causing a traffic jam of carts heavily laden with goods. Photographer: H W Fincham


Greater London Clerkenwell


Tudor (1485 - 1602)


tudor gatehouse architecture transport road people cart victorian (1837 - 1901)