Kirby Hall, Gretton, Northamptonshire

Courtyard scene as it might have appeared in early 1600s. Kirby Hall was begun in 1570 for Sir Humphrey Stafford of Blatherwick. It was enlarged after Sir Humphrey's death in 1575 for Sir Christopher Hatton of Holdenby. It was then 'modernised' between 1638 and 1640 by Inigo Jones for Christopher Hatton (later Baron Hatton of Kirby). The Hattons owned the Hall until 1764, when it passed from Elizabeth Hatton to her nephew, Edward Finch-Hatton. His descendants, the Earls of Winchilsea and Nottingham, have retained the estate to the present day. This property is owned by the Earl of Winchilsea and managed by English Heritage (2010).


Northamptonshire Gretton


Stuart (1603 - 1713)


reconstruction drawing people clothing architecture tudor (1485 - 1602) english heritage