Imperial Mill, Wallace Street, Blackburn, Lancashire

This textile mill was built in 1901. From the outset it was to be equipped with a new type of spinning machine - the ring frame - which had been developed in America. It could be worked with less skilled operatives. The frames also occupied less space and gave increased output. A company was formed to build the mill, and fill it with machinery. The engines were started in December 1901. It was paid for by an issue of shares, which were advertised by means of a prospectus and announcements in the paper. This was a means of raising capital which had been tried with great success in Oldham in the 1870s. The large scale of the new mill enabled them to quote prices for yarn that other textile districts could not match. The Imperial Mill was a success.


Lancashire Blackburn


Victorian (1837 - 1901)


mill textile weaving spinning factory industry Victorian (1837 - 1901)