Grenfell Memorial, Cliveden Road, Taplow, Buckinghamshire

This is a stone monument to Julian and Gerald Grenfell who lived at Taplow Court. Bertram Mackennal has carved on the stone memorial an image of Apollo behind his chariot. The inscription reads:IN MEMORY OF THE HAPPY LIVES OF/ JULIAN HENRY FRANCIS GRENFELL/ CAPTAIN ROYAL DRAGOONS/ DIED OF WOUNDS AT BOULOGNE/ MAY 26TH 1915 AGED 27,/ AND OF/ GERALD WILLIAM GRENFELL/ SECOND LIEUTENANT RIFLE BRIGADE/ KILLED LEADING A CHARGE NEAR (...)/ JULY 30TH 1915, AGED 25. There is also a bronze panel at the back of the monument with a poem written by Julian Grenfell.


Buckinghamshire Taplow


1920s (1920 - 1929)


remembrance memorial monument carving 1920s (1920 - 1929)