Crimble Mill, Crimble Lane, Heywood, Greater Manchester

This cotton mill was built in c1829 for Charles Stott. The main range is made up of 4 linked buildings which stand on the narrow strip of ground between the River Roche and a large reservoir (now filled in). The site was owned by the Kenyon family in 1761 who had a water powered fulling mill. In the late 1820s Charles Stott built the present mill for cotton spinning and in the 1850s it was converted to steam power. In 1859 the Kenyons bought the mill back. Following the cotton famine - 4 years when supplies of raw cotton were not available due to the American Civil War - he converted the buildings into an integrated woolen plant. In 1924 a detached engine and boiler house were built. In 1970 the Kenyons left and the premises were taken over by Roeacre Dyeing and Spinning. It then became a bleach works. The site is special for the continuity of occupation and longevity of the Kenyon firm.


Greater Manchester Heywood


Georgian (1714 - 1836)


cotton mill industry textile steam wool georgian (1714 - 1836)