Sheerness Dockyard Church, Sheerness

Sheerness Dockyard Church, Sheerness, Isle of Sheppey, Kent ME12 1RR

It is planned that Dockyard Church will be opening to the public in April 23. The building will be used primarily as a business centre for young people but will also have an event space and a cafe which will be open to the general public. The building will house a display of the Great Dockyard Model which will be accessible to the general public.

Opening Arrangements

It is planned that the building will be open during the working week to allow access for the businesses working in the building. There will be some weekend opening for events and to give access to the café and the Dockyard model. We are still in the process of working out opening hours with our chosen operator so this will become clearer as we approach April 23

Parking Spaces