Clare Castle, Clare

Clare Castle, Clare, Suffolk CO10 8HG

Clare Castle is first mentioned in 1090 in the possession of Gilbert de Clare. It consists of the remains of a 13th century shell-keep with three buttresses on a motte, with two baileys east of the keep. The north bailey contained the earliest foundation of Augustinian friars in England (1090) which subsequently moved to Stoke-by Clare in 1124. It is now reoccupied by Augustinian Canons. Into the south bailey in the mid 19th century was inserted a railway line, station and station master’s house. The site is now in the care of Clare Castle Country Park Trust, who lease the park from Clare Town Council.

Opening Arrangements

The Park is open and accessible to the public 24 hours a day 365 days a year. Buildings open to the public vary seasonally.

Parking Spaces


Disabled parking is available.