A Review of Wood and Charcoal Recovered from Archaeological Excavations in Northern England

Author(s): J P Huntley

The evidence for wood and charcoal remains, excluding mineral replaced wood, submerged forests and wooden finds, from archaeological deposits in the northern counties of England is reviewed. The quality and quantity of the data are considered and some recommendations for future approaches to work in the region presented. Some of the recommendations, such as those regarding sampling, terminology and integration are of relevance to anyone studying these materials irrespective of their geographical area. In any excavation the questions must relate to the aims and objectives of the project and be ‘fit for purpose’. Overall, the questions most relevant to ask of planning-lead interventions in the northern counties are likely to be based upon investigations of fuel used in specific features such as hearths and ovens.

Report Number:
Research Department Reports
Archaeobotany Charcoal Environmental Studies Research Strategy Wood


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