Tree-Ring Analysis of Timbers from Hunwick Hall Farm,Hunwick, Near Bishop Auckland, County Durham

Author(s): Alison Arnold, Robert Howard, Cliff Litton

Forty-six samples were obtained from timbers at Hunwick Hall Farm. Of these, 40 were analysed by tree-ring dating, this analysis producing two site chronologies. The first site chronology, HWKASQ01, comprises 20 samples these having a combined overall length of 96 rings. These rings were dated as spanning the years AD 1402-97. Interpretation of the sapwood would suggest that the roofs of the east range (north end) and the north range (east end) are constructed of timbers cut in the period AD 1501 – 26, though possibly not as part of one single felling. Three common joists in the first-floor frame of the east range, and a single joist in the carriageway entrance ceiling are very likely to have been felled during this time too. A number of other samples, including two which were combined to make site chronology HWKASQ02 with a combined overall length of 62 rings, cannot be dated. It is possible, though not at all certain, that much of the first-floor frame of the east range is made up of timbers with different felling dates.

Report Number:
CfA Reports
Dendrochronology Standing Building


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