Former McIntyre’s Shoe Shop, 25 Newgate Street, Bishop Auckland

Author(s): Alastair Coey Architects

The subject of this report is 25 Newgate Street, formerly McIntyre’s shoe shop, Bishop Auckland. It sits within the Bishop Auckland Conservation Area, in the commercial core of the town to the south of the Market Place. The core of the building dates from the early-19th century but most of what its visible from Newgate Street dates from an early-20th century shopfront improvement and heightening. Large extensions to the rear were added circa 1994 and may conceal earlier fabric. McIntyre’s family shoe and leather business, established in the second half of the 19th century, was bought out in the 1990s and the building continued in use as a clothing store until 2015. This report was commissioned in late 2018 as part of a programme of works relating to the Bishop Auckland Heritage Action Zone and is intended to provide a more detailed understanding of the building fabric and historical context, through a combined programme of physical inspection and research. The shop has a strong historical connection to a longstanding family business, McIntyre’s shoe shop, over 150 years and reflects the gradual development of the building and its shopfronts during their tenure. Visible historic fabric is concentrated on the street frontage, especially the lower floors, while the structures to the rear and the interiors have been largely redeveloped. It retains a good example of a high quality 1930s shopfront, influence by Art Nouveau design which is unique in Bishop Auckland. As a continuous place of family commerce the shop has communal value and remains strongly in local memory.

Report Number:
Research Report
Modern Standing Building


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