Local Heritage Listing: Identifying and Conserving Local Heritage

Historic England Advice Note 7 (2nd edition)

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Local heritage lists are one way in which local heritage – buildings, monuments, sites, places, areas, historic parks and gardens or other designed landscapes – can be formally identified, as part of the wider range of designation, so that their significance can be taken into account in planning applications affecting the building or site or its setting.

This advice supports communities and local authorities in introducing a local heritage list in their area or making changes to an existing list. It encourages a consistent and accountable approach to the identification and management of local heritage assets when selected by uniform criteria. Such a list will help all, including community groups, owners and developers, and local planning authorities to understand local development opportunities and constraints.

This advice note gives information on the relationship between local heritage lists and Historic Environment Records; how best to update such lists, particularly when heritage assets not on the list are identified through the decision-making process for planning applications; and stresses the usefulness of innovative ways of creating and maintaining lists. As the intention is for local planning authorities to be clear how the list will inform their decision-making on heritage assets, this note stresses the importance of local heritage lists being published on local planning authorities’ websites.

This is the second edition.


  1. The protection of non-designated heritage assets through local heritage lists
    Local heritage listing in the planning system
    Identification of non-designated heritage assets
    Further Information
  2. Preparing and maintaining a local heritage list
    Commencement - initiating a local heritage list
    Criteria - defining the scope of the local heritage list
    Identification - determining potential assets for the local heritage list
    Assessment - evaluating suitability of assets for the local heritage lis
    Approval - finalising and confirming the contents of the local heritage list
    Publication - ensuring public access to the list, including through the
    Historic Environment Record
    Review - periodic review, revision and updating of local heritage lists
  3. Further mechanisms to protect local heritage

Additional Information

  • Series: Guidance
  • Publication Status: Completed
  • Pages: 25
  • Product Code: HEAG301


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